Understanding Acquisition Links

OPDS is all about links: that's how we define where a user can browse, search and acquire publications.

Every publication available in an OPDS catalog is required to have at least one acquisition link with:

  • a rel attribute, which indicates the type of acquisition that a client can expect
  • a type attribute, which indicates the format of the publication

The following rel values are available:

In the spec we offer the following example:

<link rel="http://opds-spec.org/acquisition" 

If the same publication is available in multiple formats as unique resources, they would simply be listed using multiple acquisition links in the same entry:

<link rel="http://opds-spec.org/acquisition/borrow" 
<link rel="http://opds-spec.org/acquisition/borrow" 

Price element

If the publication requires payment, at least one opds:price element is required, where the value is the price and the currencycode attribute indicates the currency:

<link rel="http://opds-spec.org/acquisition/buy"
  <opds:price currencycode="USD">1.99</opds:price> 

The price element can only be used with the following rel values:

Indirect Acquisition

In certain cases, the acquisition link doesn't point directly to the publication.

This could be the case for example with a bundle, where a zip file is distributed with the same publication available in different formats inside.

In this case, an opds:indirectAcquisition element is required, where the type attribute is the media type:

<link type="application/zip" rel="http://opds-spec.org/acquisition/open-access" href="/item/1111/buy/">
  <opds:indirectAcquisition type="application/epub+zip" />
  <opds:indirectAcquisition type="application/pdf" />
  <opds:indirectAcquisition type="application/x-mobipocket-ebook" />

This could also be the case of a DRM format, such as ACS4 for EPUB & PDF, where the client acquires the final publication through an ACSM file:

<link type="application/vnd.adobe.adept+xml" rel="http://opds-spec.org/acquisition/buy" href="/item/4141/buy">
  <opds:price currencycode="USD">4.29</opds:price>
  <opds:indirectAcquisition type="application/epub+zip" />

Aside from container formats, indirect acquisition is also widely used to handle a transaction in the browser. In this case, the atom:link points to a webpage, while the opds:indirectAcquisition element indicates the format that the client can expect to acquire at the end of the transaction:

<link type="text/html" rel="http://opds-spec.org/acquisition/buy" href="/item/4141/buy">
  <opds:price currencycode="USD">4.29</opds:price>
  <opds:indirectAcquisition type="application/vnd.adobe.adept+xml">
    <opds:indirectAcquisition type="application/epub+zip" />

Filtering publications

OPDS clients can filter publications based on these acquisition links and opds:indirectAcquisition elements and decide to display only a subset or even none of the publications if they consider that they can't open them or deal with the workflow described.

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One Trackback

  • By Announcing OPDS v1.1 on July 5, 2011 at 9:48 pm

    […] usability of OPDS catalogs by supporting faceted search and browsing for easier navigation, and indirect acquisition for better handling of payments, content bundling, and content protection schemes.  A list of the […]

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